Project Description
Subtitle: The Power of Zero in Business
By: Nancy Lublin
- Money does not motivate people to work hard. Everything else does.
- Create a big idea: People want to join something big and important.
- Involve everyone in the decision making process:
- Make everyone in your company pursue your corporate purpose.
- Make your work environment communicate your mission.
- Dole out titles liberally. Ppl are defined by titles. They feel better with one.
- Give attainable goals.
- Give mellinialns responsibility early.
- They need clea
- Hand written notes are big motivators.
- Review people, not just the job.
- Only, faster, better, cheaper. As long as you can commit yourself to one of these words, then you have a niche.
- Describe you customer as thoroughly as possible. Plow are they, what do they doing on the weekend, why, with whom.
- How do you get non employees to promote your brand:
- Figure out how every person could help extend your brand.
- Show them that you care about them. Express kindness.
- Best marketing is word of mouth.
- Evangelist are people who love your brand so much, that they feel they have to tell the word.
- Perfect pitch: three questions when getting to know a target:
- Why does this person care what we are doing?
- How can we best meet his specific requirements.
- What does he need from us?
- Don’t use friendship as a foundation for sustainable business model.
- Add a deadline to an ask and make it specific the target.
- It helps to make it More professional.
- Without specific, donors have trouble figuring out what you will do with the money.
- Don’t settle for the first answer:
- Ask repeatedly and maybe every eight weeks.
- The best thank you is a phone call.
- People like to be part of a big movement.
- Must make you goal important and specific.
- Be specific with charity causes, since it’s my brand, have fun with it.
- Every razor saver you buy, we’ll donate one razor to a high school boy trying to grow an awe flu looking mustache. “Save that ish.”
- For the ladies, we’ll stop young girls from shaving too quickly. Bc it sucks.
- People like free things when you buy something.
- You need to have a diverse board in demographics, age, and other.
- Put your target market on your board.
- Have board members use and buy the company’s products and services.
- Passion always trumps expertise.
- Expertise and experience is overrated. Anyone can learn about a business in about a week.
- Make passion the main criteria for promotion.
- Leaders need to rotate, so they can allow others to have the ability and desire to get to the top.
- Broadcast loudly and clearly why someone was promoted, so that others can see why it happens.
- She likes standing meetings to limit meet times and keep people sharp.
- She does this for 20 or more people meetings.
- Produce a company story. It’s helps remind people about their brand and hooks customers.
- Make sure it’s online.
- Capture the company’s purpose .
- Good stories are how an organization overcame a crisis.
- Best stories tell one of the key questions listed above. Faster, better. Etc.
- Do multi year budgets, because it keeps you focused on other years.
- Assemble small teams, put those teams close to each other.
- Stretch your team by slashing the budget by half.
- Don’t tie compensation to innovation, you want team efforts.
- Outlaw the words no or butt.
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