Project Description

Book-miracle-morning-largeBy: Hal Elrod


  • Biggest adventure a person can live is the life of their dreams
  • Level 10 success can only be achieved with a level 10 of personal development
    • Mental, emotional, and physical
  • Need to take one hour out of each morning to do personal development
  • Make a list of all the activities that help personal development and try them each morning.
    • Hal did reading, meditation, affirmations, visualization, journaling, exercise,
  • Find my self purpose so I can focus on achieving that ambition.
    • Purpose can be just to smile more. Can have more than one purpose
  • Discipline create lifestyle
  • Need to find an inspiring circle of friends. Average, happiness comes from that circle
  • Lack of urgency is the number one killer of potential
  • Many famous achievers woke up early and enthusiastic about the day
  • How much sleep? Depends on how much you think you need.
    • Self fulfilling to think you need more sleep is how much you’ll get.
  • First thought in the morning is the last thing you thought about before bed.
    • Therefore change your thoughts. Decide and mindfully create an enthusiastic situation in the morning
    • Try motivational alarm clock messages
  • Drink something in the morning to hydrate the bobby and increase energy. Get moving quickly.
  • Schedule 3 to 5 hour blocks in my schedule for a singular focus on something

If we want a better life, then reexam the food we eat. If we need energy, then eat well. What to drink: super smoothie in the morning. Look at for the super food smoothie with all the things to get my body going each morning.

  • Productivity: work on the hard task first
  • Change any habit in 30 days
  • Timing: 20 mins of exercising, 20 for reading, and five for other other activity.
  • Feedback: ask for feedback from people with diverse backgrounds. Each will give you a different look. Subject line. This means a lot… I would like to get your option… Text: thank you so much for reading this email. I sincerely appreciate you investing your time to read this. This only goes out to a select number of people. For me to grow as a person, I need to get an accurate picture of the person I can be, I need your feedback. Take two mins to email me my top two areas of improvement. If you ha e time, two areas of strengths. The most honest the better. I want to improve and this is the quickest way for me do so. Last five mins of the book.


Life saving methods – morning routine

  • Silence
    • Silence: you can learn more in an hour of silence than you can learn in a year. Start every morning with a period of silence. Meditation is about focusing the mind for a period of time. More effective than meditation. Promotes sleep. Only takes a few mins a day
  • Affirmations:
    • Tell yourself who you want to be, how you will achieve it and what you want to accomplish.
      • Step 1: what do your really want
      • Step 2: why you really want it
      • Step 3: whom you are committed to being to create it
      • Step 4: what actions you are committed to doing to get there. For example, commit to making five sales calls a day. Start small and ramp up.
      • Step 5: add inspiration quotes and philosophies
      • Read them daily.
      • Ordinary people visualize the impossible and it becomes possible
  • Visualizations: Visualization aligns your thoughts with actions to make sure a person is on the right track
    • Step 1: Get ready. Can use music
    • Step 2: Visualize what you really want
    • Step 3: Visualize myself living in alignment with what I want to be.
  • Exercise:
    • Just a few mins every morning boosts so many things
    • Yoga is his favorite. Stretching with strength and mediation
  • Reading:
    • Fastest way to achieve what you want is by modeling after people that have already done it
    • Read or study for at least 15 mins every morning
  • Writing:
    • Document lessons learned, goals, achievements, dreams, plans actions, etc.
    • Read over the entries and see where you could have improved. Constant gap focus drives people to achieve, but make sure it comes from a good place and dot focus negatively on my
    • Step 1: Traditional of physical. Miracle morning app as the journal option
    • Step 2: Get a journal
    • Step 3: Decide what to right.